Welcome our Too Hot To Handel 2020 Virtual Celebration!
We’re glad you’re here. This live stream went live at 7:00 PM EST on Saturday, December 12th
In addition to live chat with Suzanne Mallare Acton, Creative Director, and the stars of THTH Rodrick Dixon, Alfreda Burke, Karen Marie Richardson, Marion Hayden, Alvin Waddles, and David Taylor, it featured old and new THTH recordings to share with you, including Marion, Alvin and David premiering a never before recorded piece, and Rackham Choir singing “Hallelujah!” along side other singers from all over the world.
While the full recording is no longer available for public viewing, here is a snippet of it: the Hallelujah Chorus recorded virtually over the past few months as part of the Hallelujah Project!
Enjoy the show!
Our Presenting Sponsor:

Lead Underwriting Sponsor of Rackham Choir’s Student Outreach:

Our General Sponsors:

2020 Gold Friends of Too Hot To Handel
Richard and Susan Bingham
Bruce Bisballe and Fran Bachman
William and Pamela Day
Josh and Emily Eichenhorn
Ron Michalak and Barbara Frankel
2020 Silver Friends of Too Hot To Handel
Philip and Maureen Abele
David Osborne and Suzanne Mallare Acton
Lare and Marlene Blum
Arthur and Nola Chester
Rody Yezman and Ellen Fairbrother
Jeff and Germaine Fritz
Derek and Karen Hodgson
Daniel and Susan Fox
Mary C. Mazure
Matt McDonald
Patrick and Patricia Minnick
Mary Lou Zieve
Thanks to our many other donors:
Candace Adams
Loew and Beth Adams
Joshua and Judith Adler
Constance and James Andres
Charlie Arnett
Eward and Michele Assad
Leslie Aulie
Beth Awerkamp
Rachael Baliira
Patricia Ball
Karen Barnhart
Victoria Bigelow, PhD
Michael Boettcher
Kathy Boettcher
Heather Bond
Kenneth Boyd
Katherine Brom
Jane Brumer-Cullen
Eboney Byrne
Margaret Callahan
Margaret Campbell
Cheryl Cardelli
Leslie Carroll
Suzette Carter-Saulnier
Elizabeth Clancey
Harriet Cole
Robin Cole
Wade Cooper
Joan Crawford
Roberta Cross
Tom and Susan Cucuzza
Zhicheng Cui
Kathy Cunniffe-Ayres
Fred Daniels
Benny and Avital Granot
Elizabeth De Guise
Eric Domenico
Linus Drogs
Joel and Michelle Drummond
Abigail Dunford
Edward Eichenhorn
Summer Eipper
Linda Ellerbrowk
Andrea Enright
Billie Fair
Lynn Figg
Joe Fisher
James Freeborough
Glenna Fritz
James and Cheryl Fuller
Nick and Anna Giammarco
Dennis and Marjorie Glaza
Ron Gooch
Estella Gragg-Carson
Avital Granot
Brian Grant
Janice Green
Tara Guffey
Rosemary Gugino
Gretchel Hallerberg
David and Andrea Hammond
Suzanne Hanna
Marie Harris
Gary Hasley
Nancy Hazelton
Barbara Homan
Kimberley Hurley
Kim Huttenlocher
Lawrence Jones
Lynn Jovick
Gloria Katz
John Wendy Keebler
Nicholas Teresa Kober
Cynthia Koykka
Judy Krol
Kerry Kurowski
Dennis and Michele Laporte
Melissa Laurance
Kevin Lawson
Jan Leventer
Marcel Leveque
Arlene Lewis
Rachel Lewis
Alonzo Littlejohn
Mary Loncharich
Jeff and Madeline Lux
Mary Maley
Margaret Mallare
Marsha Malone-Thompson
Diane Mancinelli
Jeff Marraccini
Stephanie Mason
Cheryl Madeja
Michaelle May
Mel Marx
Sharon McNeil
William Middllebrooks
Phillip Minch
Deanna Misterivich
Sally Montera
Nancy Moran
Theresa Munger Howard
Gary Nadlicki
Sharon Nattee-Stephen
Lynn Neideck
David Nelson
Roger and Nancy Nelson
Jean Nemenzik
Charlotte Orr
Richard Ozog
Wilma Page
Amy Parenteau
James Peggs
Ellen Peck
Joyce Peck
Steven Pejaun
Kate Pentland
Roberta Phillips
Amy Piazzon
Simone Bonino and Caterina Pieri
Jim and Sarah Piper
Lori Porter
Christine Post
Vickie Putnum
Kerry Price
Josephine Primeau
Kellie Rao
Michelle Rathel
Brenda Redding
Pam Reed
Margaret Rees-Baker
Carys Rees-Baker
Mark and Suzanne Reynolds
Patricia Richards
Joan Richardson
Nadia Risca
Barbara Roehling
Arthur Rose
Elaine Roth
Deborah Roth-Bush
Andrea Rothman
John Rusche
Michael Saetta
Cheryl Sauer
Gloria Saulsberry
Susan Semereck
Barry Siefman
Robin Simon
Pierette Simpson
Francesca Sizzi
Valarie Smith
Paula Smith
Jess and Caroline Sobas
Frank and Susan Sonye
Mike Starynchak
Don Stone
Wendy Stone
Maria Symka
Andrea Tawil
Lucretia Taylor
Wendy Thompson
Allen Timm
Stuart and Barbara Trager
Barbara Trzcinski
Linda VanBuren
Barry and Kelly Victor-Burke
Roslyn Walton
Randy Wanttaja
Raymond Ward
Kara Watson
Colton Weatherstone
Lori Weatherwax
Virginia Weingate
Kathie Wenz
Raynetta White
Matthias Whitney
Susan Wigle
Barbara Williams
Sonia Woods
William and Lois Yeats
Sofrona Zane